Wisconsin lawmakers signal support for fossil fuel pipelines

Wisconsin lawmakers signal support for fossil fuel pipelines

Citing ongoing dependence on fossil fuels, a group of Republican lawmakers has introduced a resolution supporting development of petroleum pipelines, a policy that scientists say is incompatible with slowing climate change.

The nonbinding resolution introduced Tuesday says Wisconsin’s economy will continue to rely “for many years” on petroleum products and calls on the Legislature to “support continued and increased development and delivery of oil derived from North American oil reserves to American refineries.”...

Ken Notes: Is it not likely that even if this passes it would be vetoed. Why not sit down at the table and come up with a real long term plan for both energy independence and substantial carbon reduction with an understanding of economic impact and business. I would also advocate for the safest options and the old pipes need to be updated, maintained, and inspected as long as they are in use.

This current efforts seem more aligned to campaign finance and getting reelected rather than any thing actually getting done.

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- - Volume: 10 - WEEK: 5 Date: 1/24/2022 10:23:40 AM -