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Wisconsin Development News Green - Environmental Ideas That Make Economic Sense | |||||||||
Ken Harwood HarwoodKen [at] Advocating for Wisconsin Cell 608.334.2174 I would like to revive WDNGreen in 2025 advocating for environmental ideas that make economic sense, but will need some sponsors or support. I am working full time in La Crosse so I do not have time to effectively market the publication. I have found a partner who works in environmental advocacy and will help find articles and programs that will help our communities. Over 10,000 get in their email each week and still others read the news on line. If you have any ideas please call or write the number or email above. I hope we can once again help the communities in Wisconsin who are actually working on this problem. ...Full Story HereAgain, thanks for looking, Ken | |||||||||
After failed attempts, Wisconsin lawmakers will try again to address PFAS | |||||||||
Communities have waited more than 500 days to access $125M set aside for PFAS contaminationWisconsin lawmakers plan to reintroduce proposals to address PFAS contamination after bills failed in the last session. Republican lawmakers worked with Gov. Tony Evers to set aside $125 million under the current two-year budget to address pollution from the harmful chemicals. The Democratic governor and GOP-controlled Legislature have been at odds over how to spend the funds. Sen. Eric Wimberger, R-Oconto, said he plans to reintroduce a bill to tackle PFAS contamination by the end of January... | |||||||||
Bad River tribe, environmental groups challenge state permits for Line 5 reroute | |||||||||
Environmental groups say permits failed to meet Wisconsin environmental law and state water quality standardsThe Bad River tribe and environmental groups are challenging state permits issued to Canadian energy firm Enbridge for the company’s plan to reroute an oil and gas pipeline around the tribe’s reservation. In November, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources issued a wetland and waterway permit for Enbridge’s planned 41-mile reroute of Line 5. Regulators also issued a general wastewater discharge permit for stormwater runoff tied to building the new stretch of 30-inch pipe. The project to reroute Line 5 would cross 186 waterways and temporarily disturb around 101 acres of wetlands in Ashland and Iron counties... Ken Notes: We have to sit down together and figure this out. I agree the re-route is crazy but not being able to follow the current route is off the table. I also need to remind everyone if they win this battle and stop the pipeline the alternatives are far worse -- continue to use the old pipeline, trucks or trains, refine in Canada and ship gas... This is crazy... | |||||||||
An Enbridge Oil Spill in Wisconsin Is Eroding Trust as the Fight Over Line 5 Continues | |||||||||
A recent oil spill in Wisconsin is exacerbating already tense relationships between state officials and several groups that are fighting to stop a controversial pipeline project from moving forward. For years, the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, along with several environmental groups, have been fighting to stop Enbridge Energy from replacing 41 miles of its Line 5 pipeline that runs through northern Wisconsin. The groups say the project will endanger wildlife and sensitive wetlands used by tribal members. Wisconsin officials approved two key permits for that project last month following a lengthy environmental review that concluded the Line 5 project could be safely constructed and maintained. But opponents are calling that decision a mistake, pointing to an oil spill at a separate Enbridge pipeline in the state that was reported just days before the Line 5 permit approvals... ...Full Story Here | |||||||||
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Wisconsin School Project Gives Kids A Solar Plus Storage Microgrid Learning Environment | |||||||||
A Wisconsin school is getting a solar plus storage microgrid project that will save the district significant money on energy. Intelligent power management company Eaton will provide the solar plus storage microgrid to support affordable, resilient, and sustainable power in the Wisconsin school district. The system will be the largest of its kind in the state and is anticipated to help the Menasha Joint School District save $190,000 in annual energy costs. Scheduled for completion in 2025, the project aims to achieve net zero energy status and will serve approximately 1,000 students. The Menasha Joint School District is pursuing Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) tax credits to maximize the project’s value. Eaton guided the microgrid design and equipment specifications to effectively address the IRA’s domestic preference requirements.... ...Full Story Here | |||||||||
Changing climate brings more days above freezing | |||||||||
Report finds warmer winters create ripple effect throughout WisconsinDepending on your perspective, some of the most anticipated or dreaded parts of Wisconsin’s climate are winter snows and cold. This year, a blanket of snow around the holidays had all but melted away by the new year. In the future, holiday seasons accompanied by white, glittering snowfall will be less and less common. That’s according to a report by Climate Central, a recipient of funding by the Bezos Earth Fund and the Schmidt Family Foundation which describes itself as a policy-neutral, independent group of scientists and communicators. The report found that over the last decade Wisconsin has seen more winter days above freezing. Those warmer temperatures have ripple effects on snowfall, winter recreation and ecosystems. Climate Central researched the effects of climate change in Wisconsin using meteorological data from 2014-2023, with a focus on the winter months from December to February. The analysis found that during those months over the last decade, nearly 40% of Wisconsin’s 72 counties added a week’s worth of above-freezing winter days... | |||||||||
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2025 Wisconsin Conservation Hall of Fame inductees announced | |||||||||
The Wisconsin Conservation Hall of Fame (WCHF) Foundation, Inc., is
pleased to announce the April 2025 Induction of J. Baird Callicott,
David Carlson, and Robert Freckmann. “Our 2025 inductees have
established lasting legacies in Wisconsin and continue to have a
far-reaching impact across many areas of conservation. We are grateful
for their numerous contributions and are thrilled to celebrate each of
them on April 5, 2025.” said WCHF Foundation President Marco Mascitti.
Each of these individuals will be inducted into the WCHF on April 5,
2025, in live ceremonies held virtually and free for the public to
attend, donations are appreciated. For more information visit: induction-events... Ken Notes: Bio`s at the link. CONGRATS!!! | |||||||||
Ken`s - Electric Automotive Stories | |||||||||
Ken`s Notes: Every week in I aggregate a few articles on electric vehicles, these are national articles and often of personal interest to me... | |||||||||
Some of our links... Many more at | |||||||||
Links we like supporting Wisconsin`s Environment and Business. You can also search 10 years worth of our articles: Search ...Full Story HereKen Notes: Share this and if you want to be included: Call us - 608.334.2174 or Editor [at] | |||||||||
ABOUT - Wisconsin Development GREEN News | |||||||||
Ten thousand environmentally minded business professionals, 500+ News outlets and reporters, and even a treehugger or two now read WDNGreen each week. Thank you! Please share WDNGreen with a friend... WDNGreen Network of Links... or Search WDNGreen...Ken Harwood | |||||||||
AgSTAR’s New Digester Project Development Handbook | |||||||||
Hot off the “press,” AgSTAR’s updated handbook is a comprehensive compilation of the latest knowledge in the industry on best practices for anaerobic digestion and biogas systems. For 26 years, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) AgSTAR Program has been helping farmers and communities across the United States develop and implement anaerobic digestion (AD) biogas systems. These systems are critical to reduce methane emissions from manure management operations, while also providing other environmental and economic benefits. As a trusted partnership program, AgSTAR helps educate the public on best practices for designing, implementing and maintaining digester projects and brings together leading experts to discuss opportunities and challenges for advancing the biogas industry. AgSTAR’s newest resource, the Anaerobic Digester Project Development Handbook,
is a comprehensive compilation of the latest knowledge in the industry
on best practices for AD/ biogas systems. The goal of the Handbook is to
ensure long-term project success for AD biogas systems by providing
background and a framework for AD project development. ...Full Story HereKen Notes:I would love to see Wisconsin become the leader in this technology! Every farmer and elected official in the state should download this. | |||||||||
WELCOME to WDNews GREEN! | |||||||||
Coverage of local and national eco news for commercial development,
home, transportation, food and community. We search for environmentally
friendly news that makes economic sense for Wisconsin. ONLINE HERE. Please share with a friend. To receive WDNews GREEN on Monday of each week as an email you must subscribe - secure link to subscribe is here. Want to comment, or have an idea: Ideas[at] We may now need to build a coalition that is willing to lobby from a "greener" yet pro business perspective. Lots of HUGE issues: Sand Mining, CNG, LEED Alternatives, Focus On Energy, LED Lighting R&D, Cleaner Power Generation, Recycling, Power Lines, Electric Cars, Wind, Solar, Bio Fuels, Digestors, Green AG, Business Incentives...And of course the Greenest and Happiest of Holidays to you! Please consider sponsoring WDNGreen! WDNews GREEN will be emailed on Mondays, included in WDNews on Thursdays, and online all the time at: Each week we will find 10 to 20 articles from Wisconsin and across the Nation dealing with environmental issues. Our goal is to promote environmental excellence from a sound business perspective. Our resource guide at the bottom of this publication will continue to grow, and you may add links, suggest articles, include your press releases, or comment by eMailing Me. As always thanks for reading, and if you would like to sponsor or get involved call 608.334.2174... ...Full Story Here Ken Notes: Please forward this to friends and colleagues who have an interest in our economy and environment. You may eMail Me Here. |