OPINION: Aquaculture bill violates public`s trust

OPINION: Aquaculture bill violates public`s trust

As a lifelong Wisconsin resident and an avid outdoorsman, I have had the opportunity to enjoy the many lakes and streams Wisconsin has to offer. This is a resource available for all to enjoy.

Within the state Constitution is something known as the Public Trust Doctrine. This doctrine was added to the Constitution in February 1948, and it says the state has jurisdiction over rivers, lakes and navigable waters...

...The potential impacts could include significantly less water flow, altered habitat and increased dredging. It also effectively removes the Department of Natural Resources from having any oversight on these operations. That authority would be transferred to the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection....


Ken Notes: some more thoughts on the issue...

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 6 Date: 2/1/2016 2:18:58 PM -