Environmental groups seek to ban Wisconsin coyote hunting

Environmental groups seek to ban Wisconsin coyote hunting

As the sun begins to set this weekend in northern Wisconsin, hunters will start to gather at Main Street Ed's in the small town of Argonne, coyote carcasses in tow. Some will only have one; others could bring in a half-dozen or more.

After a weigh-in at the tavern, hunters will take home prizes for the largest and smallest coyotes, as well as for the most killed. Also-rans will still have a shot at the gun raffle, meat raffle or door prizes.

Coyote-hunting contests aren't unusual around the country, and in Wisconsin, any season is open and legal season on the animals. Supporters say such hunts help control the coyote population. But they're facing a growing backlash from conservationists and wildlife lovers, who compare them to cockfighting and dogfighting and are pushing to ban the contests....


Ken Notes: I have to agree with the need for a ban. I actually cried when I heard about the pets being shot in Fitchburg. If we have a serious problem we need a better solution or solutions. I have never had a problem with taking game for food and I thing some hunting is good for both the environment and tourism. I am not sure I can make the leap to hunting wolves and Coyotes for sport. These are beautiful animals that are best hunted with a telephoto lens...

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