Manitowoc Recycling Center adjusts charges

Manitowoc Recycling Center adjusts charges

Beginning Jan. 27, the Manitowoc County Recycling Center will adjust the recycling charges on a number of items accepted under the electronics collection program.

Cathode ray tube TVs 24 inches or smaller will be $15 each, CRT and projection TVs greater than 24 inches and less than or equal to 36 inches will be $25 each, CRT and projection TVs greater than 36 inches will be $35 each, and CRT computer monitors will be $15 each...


Ken Notes: This is a huge issue, we need to figure out what to do with all of these units because all of them are waste as new tech has taken over...

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 5 Date: 1/25/2016 10:47:13 AM -