Vermont utility exec touts green power, lower electric bills

Vermont utility exec touts green power, lower electric bills

A Vermont utility executive says her company is helping customers slash their energy use even as it is cutting their electric rates.

Green Mountain Power, in Rutland, Vermont, offers an “extreme energy makeover” that can go as far as customers want in scaling down their energy use — even going off the power grid, the nation’s energy delivery backbone, CEO Mary Powell said.

At the same time, Green Mountain has lowered electric rates three times in the past four years.

Green Mountain’s home energy makeover program was featured in New Yorker magazine last June. The article described a family of four whose 100-year-old home was updated with insulation, heat pumps, LED lights and a small solar array. As a result of the changes, financed through monthly electric bills, the family used 16 percent less electricity and its three-month use of fuel oil fell from 325 gallons to zero....

A Great Interview with Mary Powell is Here:

Q&A: A Vermont utility CEO brings her story to Wisconsin


Ken Notes: I hope some of our more conservative legislators were there! Read the interview as well!!

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