10 companies moving up in smart buildings

10 companies moving up in smart buildings

The phrase "Internet of things" has become a convenient catch-all for all manner of technologies that carry this common characteristic — they’re capable of sharing their data not only with each other but also with other information technology systems, enabling far deeper insights into how well they’re running and what’s going on around them....

... one area to watch closely from sustainability perspective will be technologies related to buildings, both commercial and residential. Think of it this way: the Internet of things (aka IoT) is crucial for broader adoption of smart buildings. That will have big implications for how companies handle energy management. And for the next three years at least, IoT will be more pervasive in smart commercial buildings than anywhere else, suggests consulting firm Deloitte.


Ken Notes: Did I mention the MONEY in green...

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 52 Date: 12/19/2016 11:15:54 AM -