Counterpoint: Environmental orders serve Americans well

Counterpoint: Environmental orders serve Americans well

In 2012, the Obama administration finalized rules to raise the fuel efficiency standard for cars and light trucks to 54.5 miles per gallon by the year 2025. The rules were crafted with the consensus of automakers, auto workers, environmental/energy experts and state governments that wanted to develop a consistent nationwide standard and create regulatory certainty going forward.

The standard, as set, will reduce gasoline consumption, save consumers money, improve our nation’s air quality and public health, and decrease greenhouse gas emissions. The rules will also bring important gains in energy security that will flow from lowering the nation’s dependence on imported oil. The results in vehicle efficiency already are impressive, with much more to come....


Ken Notes: If this is a truly level playing field, we could benefit from new design and innovation. VW has taught us that we have to diligent and careful but MPG standards can lead to better vehicles new revenues and job growth!

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 52 Date: 12/19/2016 10:11:59 AM -