It Seems to Me: CAFO rap unfair

It Seems to Me: CAFO rap unfair

I feel compelled to respond to a letter published Nov. 6 in the Leader-Telegram. The image of modern agriculture she presented was misleading.

The focus was CAFOs, which were portrayed as a serious environmental threat, with the writer going as far as to say these farms, “cause a complete breakdown of the ecosystem.” That’s scary stuff, but it’s not true.


Ken Notes: Again we have to consider both sides. I see digested manure from CAFO presenting a huge benefit to our farms but it is not digested or treated thus the concentrated volume, not the total volume, presents a real challenge. It is a density issue and requires density solutions...

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 50 Date: 12/5/2016 9:28:45 AM -