How Will The Environment Fare In A Trump Presidency?

How Will The Environment Fare In A Trump Presidency?

Given Donald Trump`s campaign promises to dismantle the Environmental Protection Agency and undo the Clean Power Plan, a set of rules to designed to reduce power plant emissions, many observers are asking what will happen to clean water and clean air under a Trump presidency.

"I`m not a big believer in man-made climate change," now-President-elect Trump told the Miami Herald in an August interview. He went on to say he is, however, "a huge believer in clean water and clean air – crystal clean water and air."...


Ken Notes: As a former politician i would like to make two observations. One, elected officials even the likes of Donald, listen to the consensus of their supporters in this case business. Secondly, we can present a benefit to environmental policy that will help him create jobs, compete globally, and create a better world for him to put his brand on. PE Trump is at least easy to figure out - it is about the brand. We can help him with this...

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 50 Date: 12/5/2016 9:10:09 AM -