UW–Madison researchers study plant aging, gain insights into crop yields

UW–Madison researchers study plant aging, gain insights into crop yields

New insights into the mechanism behind how plants age may help scientists better understand crop yields, nutrient allocation, and even the timing and duration of fall leaf color.

In a new paper published today (Tues., Nov. 22) in the journal eLife, the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s Xuehua Zhong and her colleagues describe how an epigenetic protein complex acts as a link between the environment and the genome to promoting the onset of aging in plants....


Ken Notes: Another missed opportunity is the states ability to connect the UW to our ag and dairy industry. We could address runoff, genetics, yield, cost, and soooo much more...

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 49 Date: 11/28/2016 10:01:17 AM -