Climate Corner: Wisconsin’s Most Innovative Counties and Municipalities Join Together

Climate Corner: Wisconsin’s Most Innovative Counties and Municipalities Join Together

A diverse group of Wisconsin cities, villages and counties have joined with the Department of Natural Resources and several nonprofit organizations to help each other advance sustainability goals. The group, which was first created in 2010, is known as Green Tier Legacy Communities (GTLC). This network of local governments focuses on promoting environmental stewardship, economic growth, public health and social equity.

Put in order

Today, the association includes the following 13 cities and villages: Appleton, Ashland, Bayfield, Bayside, Eau Claire, Fitchburg, La Crosse, Middleton, Monona, Port Washington, Sheboygan, Weston, Wisconsin Rapids, as well as the counties of Bayfield, Eau Claire, La Crosse and Sheboygan. GTLC participants receive advisory and collaborative support from the Department of Natural Resources, the League of Wisconsin Municipalities, the Wisconsin Counties Association, 1,000 Friends of Wisconsin, UW-Madison’s Center on Wisconsin Strategies, the Wisconsin Energy Conservation Corporation, and other organizations...


Ken Notes: See it can be done...

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 49 Date: 11/28/2016 10:14:05 AM -