As president, should Donald Trump rein in the Environmental Protection Agency?

As president, should Donald Trump rein in the Environmental Protection Agency?

THE U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has grown into a leviathan, expanding its authority far beyond the restrictions established by law and extending its activities to issues best left to the states.

Indeed, the EPA has become one of the most powerful agencies in our government, limiting economic growth and people’s use of their property with little legislative oversight.

President-elect Donald Trump was right when he said, “Overregulation presents one of the greatest barriers to entry into markets and one of the greatest costs to businesses that are trying to stay competitive.” EPA regulations cost the nation’s economy trillions of dollars each year....


Ken Notes: WOW am I torn here. EPA has become a mandate oriented giant that has cost Wisconsin jobs. But with the DNR loosing it`s bite, EPA is the only org that can reign in the worst of the offenders. I of course want a business sensitive EPA that works as a partner for a cleaner more sustainable America. My goals are shaped by a very close relationship with businesses that actually wanted to help and do great thing for the Fox River, we spent nearly a billion dollars, lost thousands of jobs and got almost nothing all lead by the EPA.

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 49 Date: 11/28/2016 9:51:55 AM -