What environmental leaders are saying on hope and progress in Donald Trump’s America

What environmental leaders are saying on hope and progress in Donald Trump’s America

So now what? That’s the question those of us who care about the planet, its people — and, you know, basic human decency — have been asking since Election Day. Donald Trump, a climate denier who has promised to gut the Paris accord, scrap the Clean Power Plan, bring back coal, and roll back pollution restrictions is our next president, and the civil and human rights of so many in this country are threatened. Hateful, violent acts committed in his name continue to populate the news.

If you’re feeling sad, angry, and confused, we hear you.

So as we’ve done before in similar times, Grist turned to politicians, advocates, and other green leaders to ask how we keep working toward climate action, sustainability, and social justice? And what gives them hope, inspiration, or determination in such a trying time?

As they roll in, we’ll continue to post new responses to this page and share them on social media with the hashtag #SoNowWhat to spark ideas and conversations. We hope you’ll join in and offer your own ideas for how we continue to make progress and find hope. Please weigh in below in the comments or on Facebook or Twitter. We’ll be listening....


Ken Notes: We will follow this closely. I hope we see an actually plan to move forward and to do this the leadership will have to come from business and the public...

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 49 Date: 11/28/2016 9:34:49 AM -