No easy answers to Wisconsin road funding problem

No easy answers to Wisconsin road funding problem

MADISON — Just in case anyone thought solving Wisconsin`s $1 billion transportation budget deficit was going to be as simple as throwing some asphalt over a pothole, Assembly Speaker Robin Vos has a reality check: "No Easy Answers."

That`s the title of a 27-page document Vos distributed to Republican Assembly members in advance of the next legislative session, laying out possible solutions to the funding shortfall. Figuring out what to do about Wisconsin`s crumbling roads, and massive ongoing highway projects in the most populated parts of the state, is expected to be one of the most difficult issues the Legislature faces next year.

The fight is also revealing tensions among Republicans who control state government...


Ken Notes: We do need a segregated fund to deal with this. I would also like a gas stabilization tax that can rise and fall with the price of crude oil. This would actually help businesses and government plan and budget. The tax would also encourage more fuel efficient vehicles and mass transit. The new administration seem to like privatization of some corridors. Wisconsin should become a transit hub for the Midwest.

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 49 Date: 11/28/2016 9:31:10 AM -