Anti-sand science-deniers ignore real water problems

Anti-sand science-deniers ignore real water problems

Sand mining. Land Stewardship Project fans the flames of fear, ignores the truth.

I have been branded in public by the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) activists as a hired gun supporting frac sand mining while they fan the flames of fear about our aquifers and the actual water and air impacts of farming versus mining. While my critics have no scientific standards for their public statements, as a Minnesota licensed professional geologist I must uphold high professional standards. I must understand the science, tell the truth and am required by law to protect the public health, safety and welfare – that’s my job. It’s true that landowners, mining companies, investors and regulators pay me to employ those principals as a consultant but as a “hired gun” I have personally done more to avert frac sand mining in Winona, Fillmore, Houston, Olmsted, Wabasha and Goodhue Counties than all of the LSP activists who denigrate their scientist opponents....


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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 48 Date: 11/21/2016 7:01:04 PM -