The Trump effect on environmental investing: Positive?

The Trump effect on environmental investing: Positive?

Donald Trump`s move into the White House could drive even more dollars into the already hot field of sustainable investing.

Wait, what? Trump has called climate change a hoax, said he`d like to pull out of the Paris Agreement on global warming and suggested rolling back the carbon-cutting Clean Power Plan. Isn`t his victory a sign that Americans don`t believe in climate change?

Regardless of what was said on the campaign trail, a growing number of investors do care about the environment, says Lisa Woll, chief executive of US SIF, a trade group whose membership includes mutual-fund companies, pension funds and others interested in sustainable investing. Those investors are putting more money into mutual funds and other money managers who take not only the environment but also social and corporate-governance issues into account when making investments, a so-called "ESG" approach...


Ken Notes: I have always been a fan of private sector lead change as opposed to government mandated change, we will just have to see??

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 48 Date: 11/21/2016 3:23:03 PM -