North Woods for Sale?

North Woods for Sale?

About 39,000 additional acres in six northern Wisconsin forests have been targeted by state officials for extensive logging operations. The action follows a plan inserted last year into the current 2015-17 state budget by GOP lawmakers at the request of papermaking, forest products and logging interests.

The budget proposal was pushed by GOP Sen. Tom Tiffany, of Hazelhurst, and Rep. Mary Czaja, of Irma, and given final approval by Republican Gov. Scott Walker. The plan brings to about 335,000 acres the total amount of land designated for logging in the Brule River, Black River, Coulee, Peshtigo River, Northern Highland American Legion, and Flambeau River state forests....


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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 47 Date: 11/15/2016 8:40:31 AM -