Coal and oil revival? Six ways Trump could shift energy policy

Coal and oil revival? Six ways Trump could shift energy policy

Possible changes include slashing EPA regulations and opening more federal lands to fossil fuel extraction.

If environmental and energy interests agree on one thing, it’s this: Donald Trump in the White House, armed with a Republican Congress, means the climate policies developed during President Obama’s two terms are on the line.

Everything from the United Nations climate agreement inked last year in Paris to battles over oil-and-gas pipelines now have a different calculus with the GOP in control come January.

President-elect Trump frames energy issues not through the lens of climate science, where researchers see an urgent need for reduced carbon emissions, but through the lens of the jobs he argues can be harvested from fossil fuels.


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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 47 Date: 11/15/2016 8:28:36 AM -