Efficiency money for broadband? Questions remain after Wisconsin hearing

Efficiency money for broadband? Questions remain after Wisconsin hearing

Wisconsin renewable and energy efficiency advocates left an October 20 Public Service Commission hearing about the state’s Focus on Energy program both cheered by significant victories, as they see it, and concerned about an issue that remains hanging.

The victories would be the commission’s decision to commit an extra $7.7 million to rebates for small renewable energy projects; and $10 to $20 million to biodigester projects at the state’s farms and dairies. The commission also agreed to allocate $20 million to $35 million to promoting energy efficiency in rural communities, specifically rural communities that are “underserved” by broadband internet access.

This money all comes from a pot of unspent revenue that had accumulated over recent years....   ...more

Ken Notes: I still fail to see the direct connect between broadband and energy dollars. This is a rob Peter to pay Paul scheme that fulfills promises made on broadband. Oh and for the record you should head to Illinois and buy LED tech where, like florescent here, it is supplemented by the State.

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