What`s wrong with Wisconsin? Not one little thing

What`s wrong with Wisconsin? Not one little thing

STEVENS POINT — What’s wrong with Wisconsin? Not one thing, says Gov. Scott Walker, in the wake of leaked John Doe documents released by a British newspaper.

The governor promises to guard your interests, Wisconsin residents, by putting the clamps on further John Doe investigations.

So pay no attention to the facts of this matter; put your heads down and go back to work. Never mind that the governor and his minions in the Legislature slipped a last-minute provision into the state budget shielding lead paint makers from liability after a billionaire Texas lead producer contributed $750,000 to a group that supported Walker and his cronies.


Ken Notes: I know that PACs are deemed to be free speech, but they have destroyed the political system forever. When we try and rebel we get the likes of Donald Trump, when we allow them to proceed without challenge we get bad legislation. This is ingrained in both parties and now at every level of government. I try to offer solutions, but I am really at a loss here.

Let`s look at a no win problem, lead paint. If we allow unrestricted lawsuits lawyers will get rich (they will no doubt fund PACs and pols supporting this agenda) and we will not have any real solutions. If we restrict lawsuits, we will see less efforts to address the problem and clean up the problem areas.

What we don`t see is an effort to educate the public, find and eradicate old sources of contaminate, improved medical and health efforts, and policy to prevent it from happening again. Finally this is not a Dutch Boy problem, it is a people problem and people should solve it...

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 41 Date: 10/4/2016 11:08:17 AM -