Lake Association Leaders Petition for Local Control of Shoreline Zoning

Lake Association Leaders Petition for Local Control of Shoreline Zoning

More than 60 lake association leaders from six northern Wisconsin counties have signed a resolution opposing state legislative actions that eliminated local control of protective shoreline zoning measures.

The resolution was brought up at a meeting in early June by the Lakes and Rivers Associations representing Vilas, Oneida, Forest, Iron, Langlade and Lincoln counties.


Ken Notes: I have to weigh in on the side of local control here as long as it meets or exceeds state standards. Allowing development that varies from local goals and design standards means the look and feel of neighborhood could change dramatically. It will be very interesting when commercial development says, "it conforms to state standards", on Lake Geneva for example...

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 36 Date: 8/29/2016 10:00:11 AM -