Harley-Davidson Agrees To $12M Fine Over `Super Tuners`

Harley-Davidson Agrees To $12M Fine Over `Super Tuners`

Milwaukee-based Harley-Davidson will pay a $12 million civil penalty under an air pollution settlement announced Thursday with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Justice Department.  

The EPA says Harley-Davidson made and sold as many as 340,000 after-market parts called "super tuners" — which boost power and performance, but emit more pollutants than the company disclosed.  

Ken Condon, a writer for Motorcyclist Magazine, said super tuners are about the size of a pack of cigarettes and are supposed to be used for off-road racing only...


Ken Notes: This is too bad in that the 12 Million will come from Wisconsin jobs and taxes... Why not ask Harley to spend research dollars on future efficiency in multiple markets. They have some of the best engineers in the world and as engines get smaller they have much to offer...

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 35 Date: 8/22/2016 11:55:50 AM -