Cover-Cropping: Making Money While Practicing Conservation

Cover-Cropping: Making Money While Practicing Conservation

The Wisconsin Cover Crops Conference sponsored by the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute will feature the soil-health benefits of cover cropping. (MFAI)

EAST TROY, Wis. — A study just released by the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute points to tangible economic benefits and positive environmental outcomes from cover-cropping.

Wisconsin farmers are already familiar with the conservation, water-quality and soil-health benefits of cover-cropping, but they have also become increasingly aware of how using cover crops can bolster their bottom lines. Dr. Jim Stute, research director of the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute and author of the study, said farmers can make additional money per acre by using red clover as a cover-crop between corn plantings...

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 35 Date: 8/22/2016 11:46:17 AM -