Editorial: Brad Schimel and soul mate Scott Walker imperil state`s environment

Editorial: Brad Schimel and soul mate Scott Walker imperil state`s environment

Brad Schimel ran for Wisconsin attorney general in 2014 professing to be a moderate Republican, suggesting he was not all that enamored with the slash-and-burn tactics of the head of his ticket, Gov. Scott Walker....

....But that all pales in comparison to his incomprehensible positions on Wisconsin’s long-standing environmental safeguards. He has enabled Walker and his look-the-other-way Department of Natural Resources to place the state’s water and air protections in peril.

The latest was his decision to dump the longtime head of the Justice Department’s environmental protection unit, former public intervenor Tom Dawson, and replace him with a Washington, D.C., lawyer with dubious connections, including representing developers in fighting storm water regulations....


Ken Notes: This is so frustrating, once environmental protection and balancing that with the economy and business was a tenant on the republican party in Wisconsin.

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 34 Date: 8/15/2016 11:22:32 AM -