OPINION: Time has come to ban frac sand in Winona County

OPINION: Time has come to ban frac sand in Winona County

I wish to reach the stakeholders of Winona County with this message, in an effort to persuade them to enact as soon as possible the provisions for a banning of industrial silica sand mining.

First of all, however, I wish to make convincing the argument that banning frac sand mining isn’t just a capricious trend among a core of few, radical tree huggers in this area. It’s a collective effort, by various segments of citizens in our county (rural and urban), who have been committed to studying and evaluating all pros and cons of this issue for several years....


Notes: arghhhhhhh!!!!! The state will shut these efforts down in a heartbeat, there is gold in them thar hills... The money that will be on the table when oil prices rise will ensure that sand will flow freely in Wisconsin. We need to focus on control and ensuring the money does some good locally. Roads, rail, wetlands, restoration and reclamation, and public health are fair game. Just say no -- not so much -- because it is not going to happen...

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 32 Date: 8/1/2016 11:21:02 AM -