Wisconsin University Offers ‘Green Lives Matter’ Course for Hippies

Wisconsin University Offers ‘Green Lives Matter’ Course for Hippies

First-year students at the University of Wisconsin–Green Bay will soon be able to enroll in a “Green Lives Matter” seminar course to bone up on the “environmental justice movement,” the College Fix reports.

The title of the class is clearly a play on the controversial “Black Lives Matter” social justice movement. Inevitably, someone is going to point out how problematic this is and demand the name be changed, so stay tuned.


“Green Lives Matter,” according to an online description, will examine the “merging of civil rights and environmental concerns,” and will include discussions about issues such as “Flint lead contamination, migrant farm worker pesticide exposure, Cancer Alley (Louisiana), mining on tribal lands, Hurricane Katrina, Alaskan natives, urban environmental harms, and others.”


Ken Notes: A very interesting course and the controversial title got both the course and UWGB national attention. I am sure the intentions were good, but to be sensitive to a very touchy subject we may want to change the name. We do need to make environmental justice a nonpartisan, non socio-economic, non race, non gender issue. How about our grandchildren matter...

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 32 Date: 8/1/2016 10:59:40 AM -