NMPF Introduces FARM Environmental Stewardship Component

NMPF Introduces FARM Environmental Stewardship Component

The Farmers Assuring Responsible Management Program, administered by the National Milk Producers Federation, is assuming management of the Farm Smart Program, previously managed by Dairy Management, Inc. Farm Smart, an environmental stewardship module for farmers to measure improvements they make in the area of sustainability, will become the voluntary Environmental Stewardship component of the FARM Program, NMPF announced.

The FARM Environmental Stewardship module integrates the methodology and science of Farm Smart, a carbon footprint assessment tool created by the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy. Farm Smart has been field-tested in several full supply chain pilots, and is familiar to the dairy cooperative, processor and retailer communities, but is still relatively new at the farm level. The Farm Smart science-based models are being fully integrated into FARM Environmental Stewardship, but will be updated in the future through a partnership between NMPF and the Innovation Center....

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