Bureau`s message — `Farmers statewide getting involved`

Bureau`s message — `Farmers statewide getting involved`

As Dr. Larry M. Antosch stepped up the microphone at an environmental forum, he first quoted from Ohio Farm Bureau testimony to state legislators:

“…Clean water cannot come at the expense of food production, nor can farming trump the need for clean water. Fortunately, we can have both. One is not exclusive of the other…”

Dr. Antosch, the OFB senior director for policy development and environmental policy, says that statewide, farmers are taking on, voluntarily and collaboratively, programs that will help reduce harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie. He says agribusiness associations are getting the message out to the farming community on how to meet new requirements set by Senate bills 1 and 150, both enacted in 2015.

“Why should Ohio farmers have an aggressive approach? One, it’s the right thing to do,” Dr. Antosch said. “We all have an influence and impact and have a desire for good, high quality water and available water resources. We all have to do our part.....


Notes: Yep...

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 2 Date: 1/4/2016 8:59:08 AM -