Celebrating the Year of Muir

Celebrating the Year of Muir

Turning 100 is a big deal, whether you are the one blowing out candles or an entity like the National Park Service. In 2016, the NPS is celebrating a century’s worth of profound work establishing and supporting America’s national parks.

A special event, unique to Wisconsin, will be held Aug. 6 at John Muir County Park in Marquette County. This county park hosts a segment of the Ice Age National Scenic Trail and is home to John Muir’s boyhood stomping grounds along the shores of his beloved Fountain (Ennis) Lake. Muir, co-founder of the Sierra Club and the “The Father of Our National Park System,” was a visionary of his time, instrumental in founding new principles of stewardship and land protection...


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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 31 Date: 7/25/2016 10:31:36 AM -