DNR initiates stricter manure spreading rules

DNR initiates stricter manure spreading rules

Under pressure from citizens and environmental groups, state officials took a step this week in advancing regulations that would impose stricter controls on manure spreading on Wisconsin`s most vulnerable soils.

The Department of Natural Resources released plans for new rules to limit manure use in certain zones where animal waste poses a greater chance of polluting streams and groundwater.

Currently, Wisconsin has uniform standards for manure spreading, but if the changes are made, farmers in some regions would be required to limit their spreading more.

"This is the first time that we would have different practices for specific areas," said Russ Rasmussen, who is leading DNR efforts on manure issues...


Ken Notes: Can I mention the groups worked together to get things moving forward! CAFOs often produce as much waste as a medium sized city yet are regulated by family farm standards. This is wrong. We MUST address this and are just now starting to move forward. Still no digestion, heating or treating the affluent, or comprehensive spreading regulations -- but it is a start!

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 30 Date: 7/18/2016 10:43:08 AM -