Brave Wisconsin meeting on Enbridge pipeline well attended

Brave Wisconsin meeting on Enbridge pipeline well attended

LAKE MILLS — A firefighter displaying a self-contained breathing apparatus discussed the first 15 minutes after a pipeline rupture, attorney/farmer Chris Gutschenritter addressed easements and eminent domain, and a full-standing mock-up of a 42-inch pipeline were all part of an informational event Thursday in Lake Mills relating to a proposed additional Enbridge Energy Co. Tar Sands oil pipeline that might run through Jefferson County.

Elizabeth Ward from Sierra Club was also in attendance, as were Marybeth Elliot, a toxicologist, who discussed gases related to such pipelines and Sarah Zarling of CARS in Watertown talked of transportation of crude oil by rail....


Ken Notes: This will be tough to stop in our current political status. I know several farmers on the current route that have said they were promised one thing and got something quite different with little or no recourse...

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 30 Date: 7/18/2016 10:35:00 AM -