Concerns about the Lower Wisconsin River? Take them to Ashland

Concerns about the Lower Wisconsin River? Take them to Ashland

The Department of Natural Resources has chosen a meeting that will take place on the state’s northern edge to accept final public comments and make a final decision on controversial changes to plans for a major recreational corridor in southwestern Wisconsin.

The DNR announced Friday that the first new master plan in 30 years for the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway — which runs 92 miles from Prairie du Sac to the Mississippi River — would be taken up by the Natural Resources Board on Aug. 3 in Ashland, on the Lake Superior shore.

Conservation groups don’t like master plan provisions calling for road closings, a potential shooting range near the river and what they see as inadequate efforts to protect water quality. They expressed surprise and disappointment that the vote would take place more than 300 miles from the river....


Ken Notes: This should be a huge issue. The lower Wisconsin is a gem with huge opportunities for recreation and tourism...

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 30 Date: 7/18/2016 10:06:31 AM -