Take Ten: Frank Lloyd Wright sites

Take Ten: Frank Lloyd Wright sites

Wisconsin is Frank Lloyd Wright country, and more of the world may realize this as early as next month, when the UNESCO World Heritage Committee meets in Istanbul, Turkey.

Ready for a vote is a 2014 nomination to designate 10 of our native son’s most internationally significant architectural works as a World Heritage Site. This is the first year that approval can be considered, and the elite distinction is reserved for the world’s most significant natural and cultural treasures...

....* First Unitarian Society Meeting House, Madison: Wright was a member of the congregation, and his 1951 “country church” also is a National Historic Landmark. A sleek addition in 2008, to accommodate the growing congregation, earned gold certification from the U.S. Green Building Council for environmental design. Tours happen on weekdays through Sept. 30 and cost $10; tours after Sunday worship services are by donation. fusmadison.org, 608-233-9774...


Ken Notes: Well worth the visit!

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 27 Date: 6/27/2016 11:03:58 AM -