The recent decision by eight U.S. governors to grant a small Wisconsin town access to the Great Lakes water basin has sparked concern about the precedent this may set for other thirsty towns and cities. 

It also prompted a dire warning by at least one vocal Ontario mayor, who said extending access to the water basin threatens the future of this fresh water supply.

"If you open it up to one, how do you then deny it to, let`s say, the State of California, which is in a drought condition," Leamington, Ont., Mayor John Paterson said to CBC News. "If this continues, the Great Lakes won`t be very great anymore. They`ll be gone."...


Ken Notes: California? Really? Waukesha made commitment to return cleaner water than they took. The worked with the states, and environment to ensure a win win scenario. If we set the bar high enough we can and have improve the water quality in the Great Lakes. We mentioned tourism in earlier articles, we now sport fish some of the great lakes that once were so polluted you wouldn`t put a boat in the water.

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 27 Date: 6/27/2016 10:47:19 AM -