Low natural gas prices upend utility sector

Low natural gas prices upend utility sector

The plummeting price of natural gas and future environmental regulations are making utilities do things that were practically unheard of years ago, from shutting down nuclear plants to turning to natural gas for a variety of fuels in power plants.

Following the lead of Dominion Resources Inc., which shut down the Kewaunee Power Station nuclear power plant in Wisconsin three years ago, Chicago utility Exelon Corp. announced plans to shutter two Illinois nuclear plants early — unless the Illinois lawmakers agree to concessions that would allow the plants to be more cost-effective....


Ken Notes: There is a long term balance here as well as foreign prices rise, and the will, domestic prices become cost effective. The downside is you have to frac to get it...

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 26 Date: 6/20/2016 2:38:30 PM -