New questions raised on how Wisconsin will protect lakes, drinking water

New questions raised on how Wisconsin will protect lakes, drinking water

After years of complaints about tainted drinking water and weed-choked waterways, proposals for tighter state restrictions on industrial-scale dairy operations are in the works, the Department of Natural Resources disclosed in a letter appended to a 124-page audit report that was released earlier this month.

But clean-water advocates weren’t celebrating. Last week they were still digesting the audit findings, which raised new doubts about Wisconsin’s ability to enforce laws protecting its drinking water, lakes and streams from the manure the dairy industry generates.


Ken Notes: and once again we failed to ask the dairy/cafo industry to work with us on these issues. The farmers are actually laughing at us because as long as we are fighting they get a free pass...

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 25 Date: 6/13/2016 11:20:10 AM -