LCV`s Karpinski says Clinton most effective on advancing new energy economy; state races to shape power plan`s future

LCV`s Karpinski says Clinton most effective on advancing new energy economy; state races to shape power plan`s future

On the heels of the signing of the Paris Agreement, climate and energy issues continue to play an oblique role in the presidential race. As the general election nears, how will climate and energy play, and how could these issues shape the final outcome? During today`s OnPoint, Gene Karpinski, president of the League of Conservation Voters, explains why he believes former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is best-suited to advance the new energy economy. He also discusses key Senate and House races that will directly affect state action on climate change.

Transcript: (at link)


Ken Notes: How can we make environmental issues a non-partisan issue in this election? We need commitments from both sides to further the movement in the renewable direction. What if we could get the 10% of the electorate that will shift the election??

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 19 Date: 5/2/2016 8:52:20 AM -