Pro/Con; Should climate change deniers be prosecuted?

Pro/Con; Should climate change deniers be prosecuted?

Most of us recognize the value of science in dealing with complex problems that pose significant risks to public health and well-being.

President Barack Obama is hostile to open debate and research that contradicts his opinions and policies.


Notes: Prosecuted?? Why even talk about this. What we need to do is address the issues of expelling carbon into the environment, global warming is ONE, but there are 100`s more and we NEVER talk about them anymore. We now have leaders suggesting suggesting the debatability of the issues surrounding global warming should allow for exceptions or outright elimination of carbon regulations. This would include our own Governor. Global warming is not the ONLY reason to reduce carbon emissions. The fact that there are cost effective ways to reduce carbon emissions that create jobs, are good for business, improve our economy, return jobs to the US and Wisconsin, improve land use, improve general air and water quality, reduce our dependence on foreign energy, and are good for our grandchildren should be front and center. I am a pro business environmentalist who does not give a damn about global warming. Why? Because I do give a damn about getting things done.

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 18 Date: 12/3/2021 3:29:05 PM -