EDITORIAL: Factory farms cause thousands in rural Wisconsin to go without clean water

EDITORIAL: Factory farms cause thousands in rural Wisconsin to go without clean water

Rural northeastern Wisconsin residents are facing an ongoing drinking water crisis. Pollution from large-scale dairy farms known as Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) and the failure of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources have created unsafe drinking water for thousands in Kewaunee County.

Occupying part of the Door Peninsula on the shore of Lake Michigan, Kewaunee County is home to the largest concentration of dairy farm CAFOs in the state. The county is home to 15 farms housing 50,000 cows, with an additional 40,000 cows in smaller operations. Animal production is the county’s second largest industry after manufacturing....


Ken Notes: I am not sure this article is fact based is is definitely anti CAFO. I have never been a huge fan but I want to get the FACTS correct rather than use scare tactics that give the legislatures ground cover to approve these facilities. We need stronger regulations and waste treatment that improves the environment. I like digestors that treat (heat) the effluent while producing power. Properly treated the waste becomes a marketable commodity.

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 18 Date: 4/25/2016 7:34:23 AM -