Did you know? Earth Day factoids

Did you know? Earth Day factoids

Did you know? - Earth Day is on the vernal equinox, a special day when nighttime and daylight are the same length everywhere on Earth. Earth Day’s founders believed the equinox was the best day to celebrate the planet because it was a time of equilibrium...

Did you know?- Earth Day was founded in 1970 by then-U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, who wanted to respond to an oil spill off Santa Barbara, Calif...

Did you know? - Media coverage of the first Earth Day in 1970 was unparalleled. “The Today Show” focused on the environment for the entire week of April 20-24, 1970. ABC aired three prime-time environmental specials...

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 17 Date: 4/18/2016 10:47:52 AM -