Kewaunee Co. residents discuss water contamination concerns

Kewaunee Co. residents discuss water contamination concerns

The concerns about groundwater contamination continue to grow in Kewaunee County where studies show a third of tested wells in the county have unsafe drinking water.

People talked about this issue with Democrat, and U.S. Senate candidate, Russ Feingold Sunday. A small group gathered to talk about their big concerns and the conversation turned emotional at times.

There’s a lot of anxiety about water quality as people are worried about things like the use of liquid manure on farms and growing dairy operations....


Ken Notes: We over use and pay little attention to the aquifer, we will be eventually treating ground water to the same extent we now treat surface water. At that time we will all stand around blaming each other, just like now....

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 17 Date: 4/18/2016 10:28:20 AM -