OPINION: Mother Earth needs our help

OPINION: Mother Earth needs our help

I am worried about the future of our world.

The planet we live on is facing dire challenges, and so are we. Whether it’s the increasing level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that are raising global temperatures; the dramatic changes in our climate; habitat destruction and the loss of thousands of plant and animal species; a rapidly growing human population that puts a strain on food and water supplies; economies that are not sustainable and promote consumption rather than the thoughtful conservation of our land, water and other natural resources — the list goes on and on.

We all need to step off the fast track and take a serious look at where humanity is headed and how we are drastically impacting the world we live in. Then, rather than stepping back into business as usual, we need to think about future generations and start reversing the damage we are doing to the Earth’s living ecosystems. We need to get involve — turn off the television, stop playing video games, put our cell phones down, and become activists for a livable Mother Earth....


Ken Notes: I tend to agree....

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 16 Date: 4/11/2016 9:46:19 AM -