Teacher named Energy Educator of the Year

Teacher named Energy Educator of the Year

The Wisconsin K-12 Energy Education Program (KEEP) recently awarded Lodi teacher Michelle Howe with the 2016 Energy Educator of the Year award for Primary Educators.

For 10 years, the over 1,500 6-12 grade students Michelle Howe has taught have been learning about the environment and how they can be good stewards. Students walk away from Howe’s classes understanding how easy it is to keep the same quality of life we have while being environmentally friendly. Howe has a passion for teaching and the environment. She believes that it is important for students to form their own opinions after learning all the facts. Howe has received the 2009 Wisconsin Association of Agriculture Educators Turn the Key State Winner, the 2010 Lodi Environmental Citizen Award, and the 2011 Lodi Parent Teacher Organization Above and Beyond the Call of Duty Award .


Notes: Yea!!! Congrats...

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