Federal legislation a threat to wolves and wilderness

Federal legislation a threat to wolves and wilderness

If you think the problem with modern America is there are too many wolves, a bill passed in February by the U.S. House of Representatives probably made your day. If you think there has been more than enough killing of them over our history, however, the measure is cause for alarm.

The legislation, titled the Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act, has the enthusiastic support of the National Rifle Association, the National Shooting Sports Foundation and conservative House members. It stems from resentment of the very idea the federal government should control millions of acres of land and manage it for broad national purposes.

One of those purposes is restoring and preserving endangered species, such as the gray wolf. Some 2 million of them once lived on the continent, but only a few thousand remain. The bill would expose this iconic beast to hunting and trapping in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and Wyoming — with predictable consequences....


Ken Notes: I always get lots of feed back when I suggest these beautiful animals need protection and should be limited to the most rural areas in the state so as not to interfere with farms or domestic animals. I can support trap and relocate programs. I hope to go hunting with my camera this summer...

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 13 Date: 3/21/2016 10:41:43 AM -