Gravel Gardens Are A Win-Win, Horticulturist Says

Gravel Gardens Are A Win-Win, Horticulturist Says

Gardeners looking for an attractive, low-maintenance flower bed should consider a gravel garden, according to a Madison-based horticulturalist.

Jeff Epping, director of horticulture at Olbrich Botanical Gardens on Madison's east side, said that these types of gardens require less water and no chemicals to make them flourish.

"We're trying to keep gardening easy for everyone these days and trying to keep down the environmental impact," said Epping.

The concept of gravel gardening came out of Germany about 20 years ago. The gardens feature plants that like dry conditions and don't need rich soil, he said.


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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 12 Date: 3/14/2016 10:45:27 AM -