Wind power`s Wisconsin dry spell may be ending

Wind power`s Wisconsin dry spell may be ending

To tally up the wind turbines built in Wisconsin over the past five years, you'll need all of two hands.

At a time when wind farm development is powering ahead in nearby states including Michigan, Illinois and Iowa, Wisconsin has basically been an afterthought for wind power development.

Developers moved on amid widespread opposition to wind farms from residents near proposed projects as well as from Republican Gov. Scott Walker and the Legislature, which took steps to restrict wind farm construction during Walker's first term.


Ken Notes: Not to rain on the parade, but we still have a legislative majority that questions the value of this. We need to educate the public and their elected officials as to the value of wind in a proactive and positive way...

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 12 Date: 3/14/2016 10:29:43 AM -