Environmental Groups Call on EPA for Clean Water in Kewaunee County

Environmental Groups Call on EPA for Clean Water in Kewaunee County

Clean Wisconsin and five other environmental organizations sent a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today, requesting federal support for clean, safe drinking water for Kewaunee County residents.

“It is unacceptable that more than one-third of the private drinking water wells in Kewaunee County are unsafe, contaminated with bacteria, nitrates and other pollutants,” says Elizabeth Wheeler, senior staff attorney, Clean Wisconsin. “After 18 months of little action, it’s time for EPA to step in.”...


Ken Notes: We need to act, but I am not sure this is JUST an EPA problem. With the political cluster mess that is our presidential campaign, we may need to start solving our own problems with our own resources. These organizations should use their resources to develop a workable, affordable, and implementable plan. Kewaunee County residents should stop waiting and start doing. I can tell you that many areas IN Wisconsin have had to deal with water quality issues, lead pipe, treatment, deep wells, and more. The time to act is now but without a plan what are we asking for???

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 12 Date: 3/14/2016 10:10:46 AM -