OPINION: Another attempt to privatize our waters

OPINION: Another attempt to privatize our waters

Wisconsin is blessed with an abundance of water. Water provides the basis for our economy and way of life. Yet Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce and their legislative allies continue to threaten that resource, pitting one user against another, undermining Wisconsin’s constitution and threatening economic stability.

Recently, the Legislature tried to pass Senate Bill 432 which would have allowed private companies to buy public water systems without requiring the consent of the people served by that system. A public outcry ensued, fueled by the tragedy in Flint, Michigan, resulting in Senate Republicans having to kill the proposal after it passed the Assembly. The public should be equally concerned about another end-of-session attempt to cut the public out of decisions affecting their water supply....


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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 11 Date: 3/7/2016 10:59:20 AM -