OPINION: Time to set record straight on environment

OPINION: Time to set record straight on environment

At their respective national conventions this summer, the Democrats and Republicans will choose their presidential nominees. Then, in November, the 20 percent to 25 percent of Americans who choose to vote will elect our next president.

For years, Republicans have stood by and allowed Democrats to bolster their image as the party of the kind, caring and compassionate. Since Democrats are kind, caring and compassionate, the opposite must be true of Republicans. For some voters, this kind of posturing is enough, and they simply accept that all Democrats are good, and all Republicans are bad....


Ken Notes: Know thy enemy! This is the type of over simplistic hyperbole that allows the great divide between the parties and people. Read and correct without attack....

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- - Volume: 4 - WEEK: 11 Date: 3/7/2016 10:53:56 AM -